Le Symbole OM - Librairie du Grimoire Ancien

The OM Symbol

The OM symbol is one of the best known and most used symbols in the spiritual realm. It represents divine energy, the primordial vibration that gave birth to the universe and everything in it. But what exactly does this symbol mean and what is its origin?

The OM symbol is composed of three Sanskrit letters: A, U and M. Each of these letters corresponds to an aspect of divine reality. A represents the beginning, the creation, the masculine principle. U represents the environment, preservation, the feminine principle. M represents the end, the dissolution, the neutral principle. Together, these letters form the sound OM, which encompasses the entire manifestation and which is considered the original sound, the creative verb.

The OM symbol is also made up of four elements: the crescent moon, the point, the curve and the vertical line. The crescent moon represents the illusion of the phenomenal world, called Maya in Hindu tradition. The point represents the Supreme Self, absolute consciousness, beyond all form and duality. The curve represents the waking state, where we perceive the outside world through the senses. The vertical line represents the state of deep sleep, where one no longer has any perception or memory.

The symbol OM therefore expresses the synthesis of all possible states of consciousness: the waking state, the dream state, the deep sleep state and the state of transcendence. It also symbolizes the relationship between the individual and the universal, between the manifested and the unmanifest, between the relative and the absolute. It invites you to connect to the source of all existence, to realize your identity with the Supreme Self.

The OM symbol is used as a support for meditation, prayer or chanting. It is believed to harmonize the energies of the body, mind and spirit, as well as those of the environment. It is also believed to promote inner peace, wisdom and liberation. It is considered a sacred mantra, a sound formula that has spiritual power.

The OM symbol is therefore a symbol rich in meaning and power, which sums up in itself all of Eastern spiritual philosophy. It is a means of expressing one's devotion to divine reality and of getting closer to it.
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