Les Energies Divines - Librairie du Grimoire Ancien

Divine Energies

Divine energies: what energetic concept?

In the field of spirituality, we often hear about divine energies, these invisible forces that surround us and influence us. But what exactly are they? How to perceive them, use them and harmonize them? What is their origin and purpose? Here are some points for reflection to better understand this complex and fascinating notion.

Definition of divine energy :

Divine energy is a concept which designates the vital, creative and harmonizing force which emanates from the Source, the Supreme Principle, God or any other name given to the origin of all things. Divine energy is therefore the expression of divine will and love, which manifests itself throughout all creation. Divine energy is present everywhere, in the macrocosm as in the microcosm, in the visible and invisible worlds, in living beings and inanimate objects. Divine energy is what connects everything that exists, what creates the unity and diversity of the cosmos.

What is divine energy ?

Divine energy is the manifestation of the presence of God, the Source, the Creator or whatever other name we give to the origin of all things. It is the primordial, universal, unlimited and unconditional energy that animates and sustains all creation. It is present everywhere, in nature, animals, human beings, objects, thoughts, emotions, etc. She is life itself.

Divine energy manifests in different forms, depending on the vibration level, frequency and quality of each being or element. We can distinguish several types of divine energies, such as:

- Cosmic energy : this is the energy that comes from the stars, planets, stars, etc. It is linked to natural cycles, seasons, lunar phases, etc. It influences our physical body, our mental and our emotional.
- Telluric energy : it is the energy that comes from the Earth, its minerals, its plants, its animals, etc. It is linked to geography, climate, geobiology, etc. It influences our rootedness, our stability and our security.
- Spiritual energy : this is the energy that comes from higher planes of consciousness, angels, guides, ascended masters, etc. It is linked to our soul, to our life mission, to our spiritual evolution. It influences our intuition, our inspiration and our wisdom.
- Human energy : it is the energy that comes from ourselves, from our thoughts, our emotions, our actions, etc. It is linked to our personality, to our free will, to our karma. It influences our state of being, our health and our happiness.

How to perceive divine energy?

Divine energy is perceptible by all the senses, but also by extrasensory faculties that we all possess to varying degrees. Here are some examples of possible perceptions:

- Sight : we can see divine energy in the form of colors, lights, auras , symbolic or real images.
- Hearing : we can hear divine energy in the form of sounds, music, interior or exterior voices.
- Smell : we can smell divine energy in the form of pleasant or unpleasant odors.
- Taste : we can taste divine energy in the form of sweet or bitter flavors.
- Touch : we can feel divine energy in the form of heat,
cold, tingling, pressure, caresses, etc.
- Intuition : we can capture divine energy in the form of impressions,
sensations, certainties, synchronicities, etc.

How to use divine energy?

Divine energy is an inexhaustible resource that we can use to improve our lives on all levels. Here are some examples of possible uses:

- Healing : we can use divine energy to heal our physical ailments,
mental, emotional or spiritual, by channeling it.

Divine energy is not a material substance, but a vibration, a frequency, an information. It is immaterial, impalpable, intangible. It has no specific shape, color, sound or smell. It is pure potentiality, infinite possibility. It is both transcendence and immanence, that is to say, it exceeds and inhabits everything.

Divine energy is also not a personal entity, but an intelligence, a consciousness, a wisdom. It has no will of its own, but it follows the universal laws which govern the order and balance of the world. She has no human emotions or feelings, but expresses unconditional, impartial and caring love. She has no preferences or judgments, but respects the free will and karma of each being.

Divine energy is not unique, but multiple. There are indeed different qualities or aspects of divine energy, which correspond to the different attributes or names of God. For example, we can talk about the divine energy of wisdom, compassion, justice, beauty, etc. These aspects are often represented by symbols, colors, sounds or geometric shapes. These aspects are also associated with spiritual or angelic beings, who are the messengers or intermediaries between God and men.

Divine energy is therefore a complex and rich concept, which can be approached from different angles and levels of understanding. There is not a single definition or conception of divine energy, but as many spiritual or religious traditions that have attempted to account for it throughout the ages and cultures.

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