L'existence des Annunakis - Librairie du Grimoire Ancien

The existence of the Annunaki

The existence of the Annunaki

The Annunaki are extraterrestrial beings who visited Earth thousands of years ago, according to some conspiracy theories. They would have influenced the development of human civilization, by contributing their knowledge and technology. Some even claim that they are the creators of humanity, having genetically manipulated prehistoric hominids.

But what are the arguments that support this hypothesis? And what are the elements that contradict it? In this article, we will examine the sources, evidence, and critiques of this controversial theory.

Sources of the Annunaki theory :

The main source of the Annunaki theory is the work of the writer Zecharia Sitchin, who interpreted the Sumerian texts, the oldest writings known to mankind. According to Sitchin, the Sumerians would have described the presence on Earth of a race of beings from a planet called Nibiru, which would be part of the solar system and which would have a very elliptical orbit of 3600 years. These beings, called Annunakis, would have come to look for gold on Earth, which they would need to repair the atmosphere of their planet. They would have created humans by crossing their DNA with that of local hominids, in order to use them as slaves in the gold mines. They also would have taught humans agriculture, writing, astronomy, medicine and other sciences.

Sitchin relies on cuneiform tablets, cylinder seals, statues and bas-reliefs to illustrate his claims. He identifies the Annunakis with the gods of the Mesopotamian pantheon, such as Anu, Enki, Enlil, Marduk or Inanna. He claims that these gods were in reality extraterrestrials who competed for control of Earth and who influenced the destiny of humans.

Evidence for the Annunaki theory :

Proponents of the Anunnaki theory put forward several arguments to support their claims. They cite in particular:

- The similarity between mythological stories from different cultures, which would refer to beings coming from the sky, to a universal flood, to a Tower of Babel or to a Garden of Eden.
- The presence of megalithic structures throughout the world, which would testify to an advanced level of technology and which would have been built with the help of the Annunakis.
- The discovery of traces of gold in remote regions of the globe, which would suggest that these areas were exploited by the Annunakis.
- The existence of rare blood groups, such as rhesus negative, which would indicate an extraterrestrial origin.
- The presence of genetic or physical anomalies in certain individuals, which would reveal hybridization between humans and Annunakis.
- The possibility that Nibiru is a real planet, whose existence would have been predicted by the Sumerians and confirmed by certain modern astronomers.

Criticisms of the Annunaki theory :

The Anunnaki theory is widely rejected by the scientific community, which considers it to be baseless pseudo-science. The criticisms mainly relate to:

- The poor translation and erroneous interpretation of Sumerian texts by Sitchin, who allegedly invented or distorted certain terms or concepts.
- The absence of archaeological or genetic evidence which would attest to the presence or influence of the Annunakis on Earth.
- The physical impossibility of Nibiru existing or having such a long and irregular orbit.
- The fanciful and contradictory nature of Sitchin's stories, which mix elements from different eras and different cultures.
- The lack of rigor and coherence of the Annunaki theory, which would call upon fallacious arguments, coincidences or speculation.


The Anunnaki theory is an attractive hypothesis for those seeking to explain the origin and meaning of human life. It offers an alternative vision of history, which features superior beings who would have shaped our civilization. It also offers hope of contact with these beings, who could return to Earth during the next passage of Nibiru.

However, this theory is not based on proven facts, but on subjective and questionable interpretations. It does not stand up to critical and scientific analysis, which demonstrates its numerous flaws and inconsistencies. It is more fiction than reality.

It is therefore prudent not to take this theory literally, but to consider it as a curiosity or a source of inspiration. It is also important to keep an open and critical mind, and not to be influenced by speeches that seek to manipulate or deceive.
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